In 2018, on GQ India’s annual list of 50 Most Influential Young Indians, Azadi Records co-founder Uday Kapur wore a t-shirt that read, “Free Asif Sultan, Sudha Bharadwaj, Sudhir Dhawale, Mahesh Raut,” referring to four jailed human rights activists and journalists. The GQ feature was an opportunity for Azadi to talk about its story; instead, the record label also gave a voice to the voiceless. “At the end of the day, if [the government] wants to do something to us, there’s no lawyer that can stop anything,” Kapur told me from New Delhi, “But, if we don’t speak out, if we don’t say shit, then who is going to?” With a name like Azadi — meaning freedom in Hindi, a slogan protestors often shout — the record label has become renowned for its resolute, uncompromising attitude. This ethos underpins everything the label does, helping the company grow from a fledgling outfit to the country’s most provocative underground cultural establishment by the end of 2018, picking up a steady stream of loyal supporters along the way.